by Donald C. Mitchell
Have you seen the eyes of lonely youth afraid of age, afraid of life,
seeking an escape from fear,
the frightened look of resignation
in the face of disillusionment,
panicking in contemplation of the world
which revolves critically around them
casting suspicious glances
but never seeing the plea
never hearing the whispered cry never wanting to care
Have you seen these eyes
in the corners of cities
in the shadows of the glare of progress in the overlooked holes of civilization
Have you seen these eyes
before age tempers pain,
before experience cultivates bitterness,
before society sharpens the gaze
and tempts revolt
and violence
and revenge
Have you watched the decline of hope and seen the fire of youth die leaving the glow of memory and the clawing attachment to what might have been
Have you seen the eyes of lonely youth avoiding the gaze
of those who are no longer young
and can you still condemn
and feel no sympathy?